Coffee review

How to make coffee? the characteristics of slow extraction of coffee.

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Hand brewing coffee is a method of pouring hot water on coffee powder and letting hot water extract coffee flavor in the process of flowing through coffee powder. From the selection of water temperature, the grinding particle size of coffee powder, the thickness standard of hand brewing coffee powder, the control of flow rate and direction will affect the flavor of coffee. It is a coffee brewing method that pays great attention to technology and experience.

Hand brewing coffee is a method of pouring hot water on coffee powder and letting hot water extract coffee flavor in the process of flowing through coffee powder. From the selection of water temperature, the grinding particle size of coffee powder, the thickness standard of hand brewing coffee powder, the control of flow rate and direction will affect the flavor of coffee. It is a coffee brewing method that pays great attention to technology and experience.

Coffee extraction is a complex chemical change, including baking state, soybean powder blending, extraction powder quantity and water volume. Different parameters will change the aroma of coffee, "but everything you want to brew a cup of coffee requires the fusion of powder and water." while the perfect coffee extraction and the proportion of hand-brewed coffee help to improve the taste buds of drinkers, therefore, the penetration of water through coffee powder has become a key action affecting coffee extraction.


Water temperature will affect the extraction efficiency of coffee, high water temperature extraction is fast, low water temperature extraction is slow, for example, ice drop coffee takes three to five hours to complete; shallow roasted, high-quality beans, flushing at 90-95 degrees can show better sour and sweetness; moderately roasted high-quality coffee beans, washed with water temperature between 85-90 degrees, can show a good flavor of fine beans Beans of average quality and medium-and deep-baked beans are recommended to be cooked at a water temperature of 80-85 degrees. As long as they can show clean and odorless, moderate alcohol thickness, they will pass.

In a word, you don't have to limit yourself, use only one water temperature to brew the coffee, but set it according to the bean quality / baking degree and the flavor you want to show.