Coffee review

How to match Italian coffee beans is it suitable to make hanging-ear coffee?

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Espresso beans, usually a mixture of Arabica and Robusta, are added to the Robusta variety, one of the purposes is to save costs, but there are also many cafes at the moment. Coffee roasters use high-quality boutique coffee and high-grade commercial beans to meet better coffee flavor needs. So what's with the coffee?

Espresso beans, usually a mixture of Arabica and Robusta, are added to the Robusta variety, one of the purposes is to save costs, but there are also many cafes at the moment. Coffee roasters use high-quality boutique coffee and high-grade commercial beans to meet better coffee flavor needs. So what are the principles and matters needing attention in blending coffee?

How to match Italian coffee beans, first of all, find several different types of coffee beans to complement each other, instead of finding coffee with similar flavor and similar tonality to match each other. Colleagues need roasters to grasp the characteristics of coffee. For example, Kenya, which is famous for its sour taste, should not be paired with Guatemala with high mellow thickness and sour taste, but with soft Brazilian coffee or Colombian coffee with high mellow thickness. The ultimate goal is to achieve balance.


Italian coffee bean formula, it is not a simple addition, subtraction, multiplication and division, nor a simple proportion of mixing, it is necessary to understand the flavor route of this blended coffee, what flavor is the base, what beans are needed to support the skeleton, and what beans are needed to improve the flavor and enrich the details. Only by having a three-dimensional imagination of the taste of coffee, rather than simply pursuing to create flavor, can the benefit of coffee blending be maximized.

Look at the combination of beans this many exquisite, so the mix of coffee suitable for hanging ears coffee? In fact, the answer is natural, delicious blended coffee, make hanging ear coffee, the taste is not bad, but also easy to go out to carry, easy to brew, anytime, anywhere beans can drink a good cup of coffee.