Coffee review

"Coffee Bank" and "Hospital Coffee Shop" Pacific Coffee play transboundary operation

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, I believe that most people's impression of the hospital is that the white wall falls to the ground, the patients are concentrated, and the environment is noisy. Once you think of the chills at the bottom of your heart, if you tell you that there is a hospital with advanced equipment, advanced technology, a health care team full of humanistic care, and a more elegant environment in the hospital. The coffee shop with a comfortable atmosphere, you can enjoy strong coffee and delicious simple meals, will you change your original impression of the hospital? Before long

I believe that most people's impression of the hospital is that the white wall falls to the ground, the patients are concentrated, the environment is noisy, and once they think of the chills at the bottom of their hearts. But if I tell you that there is a hospital with advanced equipment, advanced technology, a humanistic care team, a more elegant environment and a comfortable atmosphere in the hospital, where you can enjoy strong coffee and delicious simple meals, will you change your impression of the hospital? Not long ago, Pacific Coffee joined forces with Peking University International Hospital to open a 200-square-meter "hospital coffee shop". This cross-border cooperation has brought an extraordinary medical experience to patients and their families.


Pacific Coffee Peking University International Hospital

Considering the integration with the overall atmosphere of the hospital, in the decoration of the Pacific Coffee Peking University International Hospital store, the designer added a relatively soft log color design to create a more peaceful feeling. In the store, you can sit down and relax, enjoy refreshments, relax your nervousness, or several people can sit around a long table to discuss the patient's treatment plan.

Pacific Coffee Peking University International Hospital is not the first attempt of Pacific Coffee to cooperate with hospitals. In Hong Kong, Pacific Coffee has a precedent for cooperating with Elizabeth Hospital in Hong Kong. In 2014, Pacific Coffee also partnered with Shanghai Renji Hospital to operate its first "hospital coffee shop" in mainland China.


Pacific Coffee Shanghai Renji Hospital Store

The cross-industry operation of "Hospital" and "Coffee Shop" not only brings convenience to medical staff, patients and their families, but also brings considerable sales to Pacific Coffee. The daily sales of this small store of Shanghai Renji Hospital, which is only 40 square meters, is also comparable to that of shops with an operating area of more than 100 square meters.

The attempt of cross-industry operation of Pacific Coffee is not only limited to cooperation with hospitals, but also opened up a domestic precedent in banking cooperation.


Pacific Coffee Shenzhen China Resources Bank Store

As the only catering business under China Resources Wanjia, Pacific Coffee cooperated with China Resources Bank to try a "coffee bank" in 2012, setting up a coffee shop on the side of the bank's business hall. While waiting for banking, customers can move to Pacific Coffee on the other side, read magazines and books, surf the Internet, taste freshly brewed coffee, or sit down for a rest, or talk about investment and financial plans as friends with private wealth advisors, or chat with baristas and taste their experiences. In addition, you can enjoy a special discount on coffee drinks when you apply for a credit card in the bank. Such non-industry alliance marketing not only facilitates customers, but also benefits both sides of the cooperative enterprise.

As of January 23, 2015, the number of Pacific Coffee stores worldwide has reached 414, including 270 in Chinese mainland region. In Pacific Coffee Daily updated "Thought for the Day" (Golden sentence famous saying) has included such a famous saying-Move fast and break things. Unless you are breaking stuff, you are not moving fast enough. Act quickly and make breakthroughs. If you don't subvert the rules, you're not moving fast enough.) In this cross-border era, only by subverting the old rules can we lead the new fashion!

Source: win the business network