Coffee review

Coffee shop management training staff training tips for coffee shop clerks

Published: 2024-06-02 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/02, If the lecturer keeps talking and talking, there is a lack of interaction with the students. Then the students are in a state of passive acceptance, it is difficult to harvest and permanently cherish the training memory, and get the satisfaction of superior participation. In this way, the training can not be like a formality, and the monotonous and boring form of training will certainly make the staff feel boring and disgusted. The editor summarizes several training tips as follows: (1) one-on-one

If the lecturer keeps talking and talking, there is a lack of interaction with the students. Then the students are in a state of passive acceptance, it is difficult to harvest and permanently cherish the training memory, and get the satisfaction of superior participation. In this way, the training can not be like a formality, and the monotonous and boring form of training will certainly make the staff feel boring and disgusted. The editor summarizes several training tips, as follows:

(1) one-to-one shop assistant education. A lot of coffee shop training is based on a defined theme to explain, discuss and analyze. This kind of training is generally collective training, all shop assistants attend together, the training form is rigid, the content mostly stays in the theoretical stage, the effect can only stay on the surface, can not be in-depth and strengthened, can not be fully combined with practical work. Therefore, this kind of training is not targeted, for example, when there are new clerks in the store, such thematic training is obviously not appropriate. At this time, we should choose one-to-one communication, avoid peak business periods and make use of rest intervals to train shop shells.

(2) on-the-spot French training. By the store manager or foreman in the sales site combined with products and customer examples for on-site demonstration, teaching according to people, hand-in-hand to carry out actual drills. The training method is highly targeted and closely combined with the work of shop assistants, so it can further strengthen and deepen the effect, so that the actual combat skills of shop 5 can be really improved, but it can not be really implemented because of lack of manpower or lack of ideological attention.

(3) Dining table communication training. Emotions are more important than skills. Shop assistants often encounter all kinds of problems at work, so they will inevitably have a bad mood. To dredge bad emotions and solve psychological pressure, we need table exchange training, a small dinner, work meal exchange, emotional guidance, and improve their work passion. Some supervisors blame the shop assistants for not working hard as soon as they see the decline in sales, but they don't know how to encourage them. In fact, good emotional guidance plays a very important role.

(4) Entertainment competition training. Team culture is an advanced means of shop assistant management, so as to enhance the shop assistant's sense of belonging, discipline, cooperation and high sense of responsibility. Therefore, in their spare time, more entertaining and practical team competitive training can be carried out to turn boring product knowledge into interesting activities, making the store more active and easier to achieve the effect of skill training.

(5) random creative training. In fact, the training can also be skillfully planned according to different needs, so as to make the effect better. In order to enable a group of new shop assistants to quickly master the skills of selling europium products, they can pretend to be consumers and go to nearby coffee shops to spend money, first listening to others' explanation, "practice makes perfect,"know yourself and know your enemy, and a hundred battles will not be defeated". In this way, the shop assistants have mastered the necessary knowledge and skills in a very short time.

(6) learn from each other and improve each other. This training method requires shop assistants to learn and communicate with each other in their daily work, enhance their strengths and avoid weaknesses, and improve the overall service level of shop assistants, so as to improve sales performance. This kind of training can be organized by the store manager and carried out in the daily work, and there is no need to organize special time for training. Usually guide the shop assistant to become a knowledge-based sales consultant spontaneously, review and practice coffee knowledge irregularly, and buy more coffee-related books to study and discuss together. In addition, they should be persuaded to organize their knowledge, apply for association, and strengthen it through situational exercises, active learning and flexible use, so that they can use all kinds of knowledge freely.

(7) case analysis. This kind of training method usually uses the shooting method to record the clerk's work for the day, and then let the clerk watch it, find the deficiencies, and propose improvement measures. This method can enable trainees to think actively and find questions and answers, so as to effectively improve the trainees' ability to find problems and solve questions.

(8) the law of meetings. This is a routine skill for retail store managers / staff to train staff, and it can also be used to open a coffee shop. The manager can use some daily europium sales meetings and visits to train shop assistants, which is more economical and conducive to the cultivation of team spirit.

Training is a way of learning, how to remember the learning things, and can be applied to the actual combat to achieve the promotion of peace, is the ultimate goal of training. And a good way of training is to provide sales staff with an effective way to learn, remember and lead to actual combat.