Coffee review

Siphon pot to make coffee 7 elements, how many do you know?

Published: 2024-09-17 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/09/17, After a brief understanding of the basic process of the game style, you may still be confused about some of the details, so you might as well review the key tips for each step. PIONT1: before the upper pot filter fastens the glass tube to boil the wind, first put the wrapping cloth on the filter and put it into the upper pot to smooth it, then pull out the spring bead buckle ring hanging from the glass tube mouth of the upper pot and fasten the pipe mouth. Many beginners forget this.

After a brief understanding of the basic process of the game style, you may still be confused about some of the details, so you might as well review the key tips for each step.

PIONT1: upper kettle filter fastens glass tube

Before cooking the match wind, first put the package filter cloth on the filter and put it into the upper pot to smooth it, then pull out the spring bead buckle ring hanging from the filter from the glass pipe mouth of the upper pot and fasten the pipe mouth. Many beginners forget this procedure, the filter will be washed open by the rising current, the coffee powder will seep into the pot and make a pot of dirty coffee. After the filter is flattened and fastened, insert the upper pot on the upright seat temporarily, and then pour out the amount of water under the pot.

POINT2: add the right amount of hot or cold water to the pot.

For shallow baked and medium baked beans, hot water can be added to the pot to create a high temperature extraction environment of 88 ℃ ~ 94 ℃. Soaked and re-baked beans should be treated with raw cold water to create a low temperature extraction environment of 86 ℃ ~ 92 ℃. Heating hot water or unboiled cold water in the pot, coupled with firepower control, is easy to create a completely different extraction environment, which is the private stunt of the old master of Saifeng, which can determine hot water or raw cold water according to the bean property and baking degree.

Before adding the appropriate amount of water, it is necessary to understand the kettle water scale produced in Japan and Taiwan. There are generally two specifications: one is 120 milliliters for one person, 240 milliliters for two, and 360 milliliters for three.

The second specification is 130 milliliters for one person, 260 milliliters for two, and 390 milliliters for three. There is a difference of 10 to 30 milliliters between the two specifications, which will affect the coffee thickness and extraction rate. It is important to know which specification it is before soaking.

How much water should be extracted? Can first according to the Japanese style design of the original bubble boiling ratio at 1:12 or 1:13 to test, that is, a person of 10 grams of powder, on 120ml, or a larger capacity of 130ml of water, after brewing, the next pot has about 100ml black coffee.

However, the Saifeng kettle is the most popular for three people, with a capacity of three people to make 120,000,130 milliliters of coffee. The amount of water is too small, and the firepower is not easy to control. Few people in Taiwan are so popular in the competition. The amount of water in the kettle per person is generally increased to 150,000,200ml, which is relatively easy to use. The amount of powder is about 1200g.

Beginners might as well use 30 grams of powder on 360 to 390 milliliters of hot water, it will be easier to bubble, this bubble boiling ratio, also 1:12 or 1:13.

POINT3: wipe the upper and lower pot with a dry cloth, put the upper pot into the lower pot

After entering the pot, it is inevitable to get water droplets, be sure to wipe dry, so as to avoid cracking reimbursement after heating the kettle. After drying, the lower pot is installed on the gas stove, and the upper pot is inserted directly into the lower pot, but you can also insert the upper pot obliquely first, and when the water temperature of the lower pot rises, the spring beads bubble and then straighten the upper pot and insert it vertically.

These two interpolation methods will affect the extraction water temperature, each has its own followers, and it is a sensitive topic. Basically, using the direct insertion method of the former, the initial bubble cooking of the upper pot will be slightly lower than the latter, both have their own advantages and disadvantages, blindly support straight or oblique insertion is not advisable, after straight or oblique insertion is done, the dispute will be gone, how to play the coffee powder, and there are arguments.

POINT4: fire and heat, first powder vs and then powder

Sai Feng bubble cooking method, thousands of schools, myths and legends every day. For the sake of coffee powder, some players should put it in a pot before boiling water, that is, the coffee powder is cut off by hot water, or open fire to boil water, wait for the water to rise to the pot, and then pour down the coffee powder, which is right or wrong.

Fans of both sides do not quarrel first, and can talk when looking at the data. The two bubble methods are tested by ExtractMojo, and it is found that there is little difference between coffee concentration and extraction rate, both within the error range. Moreover, there is no earth-shaking difference between the two bubble cups.

It is not difficult to understand that the intensity and taste spectrum of the game wind depends on the firepower control, water temperature, stirring power and time of the bubble cooking process. Powdering first or later is not the key cause, at best, it is just different habits and preferences.

But for the sake of caution, if you want to use the method of powdering first, the upper pot had better lie obliquely under the pot first, which can avoid pre-soaking the coffee powder with hot air and hot water and increase the variables of bubble cooking. On the contrary, when the hot water rises and then adds powder, there will be no pre-soaking variables, there is no right or wrong, each has its own advantages and disadvantages, just use the kind you are used to.

For the convenience of teaching, I insert the upper pot into the lower pot, fire and heat it, and then powder it when the water rises to the upper pot, that is, after the powder, as the process of the competition style, sometimes I will do so for convenience. In short, first powder and then powder, not so serious, easy to, world peace.

POINT5: lower the firepower, stir the coffee, and start the clock.

After the water in the lower pot rises to the upper pot, you can slightly lower the firepower and observe whether there are any bubbles in the filter of the upper pot. If so, it means that the edge of the filter cloth is uneven and the air bubbles emerge from the fine seams. At this time, you can use a bamboo stick to press the bubbling place, which will be helpful. Adjust the bubbles quickly, not for too long, lest the water temperature rises too much. If the upper pot filter continues to produce large bubbles, it will stir and increase the extraction rate and concentration. If it is a small bubble, it is better without bubbles, indicating that the extraction environment is stable.

After adjustment, there are no large bubbles in the upper pot, and coffee powder can be added. After contact with the water, the time is 40-60 seconds, and the bamboo stick is used to quickly stir for 2-5 seconds, and some people stir for more than 20 seconds. Basically, the longer the stirring time, the easier it is to pull up the extraction rate and improve the concentration and miscellaneous flavor, so the stirring time depends on individual taste.

In addition, before adding the powder, you can also use the bamboo stick to make a circle in the upper pot to make a spinning nest, and then go down to the powder, which can accelerate the fusion of coffee powder and hot water and shorten the mixing time.

Interestingly, there are also different views on the way and posture of mixing after adding powder, including pressing method, zigzag method, eight-character method, one-pillar method, circle drawing method and cross method. Stirring force will affect the strength of the water flow, affect the extraction rate of coffee powder, and then affect the concentration, but there is no need to go too far, vowing to defend one stroke to the death and derogate other mixing methods.

The key point is not whether the gesture is beautiful or not, but the stirring force and duration are the main factors affecting the extraction rate. You can ignore many flashy mixing myths and beautiful skills. This book is based on the most common and effective method of drawing circles. Almost all the players in the World style Championships use circle mixing.

The stirring of the race wind can be divided into two mixing methods and three mixing methods. The former refers to the first mixing after the powder is put down, and the extraction time is up. Turn off the heat and stir again, which is the second mixing and one stirring at the beginning and end. As for the three mixing method refers to the middle of the two mixtures, that is, soaking for about 30 seconds, and then additional stirring, can increase the concentration, depending on individual needs.

POINT6: turn off the heat and stir, put the wet cloth on the pot.

When the time is up, turn off the heat and stir, and then stick to the pot with a wet cloth, which can speed up the cooling of the pot and let the coffee liquid flow back to the pot quickly, so as to avoid excessive extraction and increase bitterness. If you turn off the fire early, or grind the powder thicker, you don't have to rush to stick the pot with a wet cloth, but cool down and flow into the next pot a little slower.

Take out the upper pot carefully, do not use brute force to pull out the upper pot, the glass tube is easy to hit the next pot and break. Hold the handle of the lower pot tightly with the left hand and gently shake the pot with the right hand back and forth, then the upper and lower pot can be separated elegantly. Finally, shake the pot, let the coffee liquid mix evenly, and serve.

POINT7: cleaning upper and lower pots and filter cloth

After using Saifeng, remember to clean the upper and lower pots and filters. Coffee grounds are attached to the upper pot filter and are not easy to take out. You might as well hold the upper pot with your left hand and tap the pot mouth with your right hand to shake off the coffee grounds to facilitate pouring out, and then loosen the spring beads buckled on the glass tube wall of the upper pot to remove the filter.

The upper and lower pots should be washed with water, and the filter should remove the residue from the filter cloth with a toothbrush. after the filter is cleaned, it is best to put it into a cup with clean water, cover the cup and put it in the refrigerator, so that the filter cloth will not stink. Filter cloth is consumable, even if it is cleaned very clean after each use, it will accumulate too much grease and block, resulting in slow reflux of coffee liquid from the upper pot to the next pot, so it is time to change the filter cloth.

The filter cloth has two sides, one is the fluffy surface, the other is the coarse cloth surface, when the filter is replaced, the filter is placed on the fluff side, you can pull up the fine thread reserved by the seam edge, completely wrap the filter, tie a knot, and the job is done. But please remember to put on the filter of the new filter cloth, be sure to cook it in hot water before use, remove impurities and odors, and then brew a cup of coffee for a short time to remove the smell of the filter cloth. Don't drink this cup of coffee, just pour it out.