Coffee review

There are ten ways to die in a milk tea shop and a coffee shop, which one are you?

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, The first way to die: the quality is supreme. Many people think that coffee must be the best and the equipment must be good. If you choose a nearby coffee shop to use 200 yuan a kilogram of coffee beans, you have to use 300 yuan a kilogram of coffee beans, which is better than your competitors in quality. If your opponent uses a 20,000 yuan coffee machine, you should use a coffee machine that is more expensive than him to ensure coffee.

The first way to die: the supremacy of quality

Many people think that first of all, the coffee must be the best and the equipment must be good. If you choose a nearby coffee shop to use 200 yuan a kilogram of coffee beans, you have to use 300 yuan a kilogram of coffee beans, which is better than your competitors in quality. If your opponent uses a 20,000 yuan coffee machine, you should use a coffee machine that is more expensive than him to ensure that the coffee is better than him, thus surpassing your competitors in terms of the quality of the products you offer. How many people regard Thaksin as the only way for business to improve. From the first day of the trial business, he kept messing with the barista, rehearsing repeatedly, inviting all his friends over, repeatedly trying to give advice, and then making continuous improvement. Focus on improving the quality of coffee to the best! How many people feel that the reason for their failure is that the quality of the coffee is not as good as that of other stores when they close the door?

The second way to die: the concept of not making money in the early stage is dead.

The coffee shop won't make any money in the first year. If you open a shop, you need to raise it! Therefore, I firmly believe that as long as the store is open for a long time, it can make a profit. So at the beginning of the store, in addition to torturing baristas or cooks, in addition to inviting their friends to eat and drink for free, the most they can do is to hand out leaflets nearby, and then wait for customers to come to the door automatically after a year. As a result, in the face of the increasingly desolate flow of people, can not stand a steady stream of expenses and a variety of trivial things, employees do not see hope to change jobs one after another, and eventually, the state of mind collapses.

The third way to die: rent oppression.

There are many cafes that have done well. In the early stage, they did very well because of the boss's factors, but after several years of development, the land quickly became popular, and the rent rose crazily with house prices. It had not lost too much in the first year. The second year just began to make a profit, and the landlord appeared with a smile.

The fourth way to die: lack of prior planning

Many people think that the threshold for opening a milk tea shop is very low, and the business of Lao Wang setting up a milk tea stall next door is also good. He has a facade and the decoration is not bad, and the business will certainly not be bad. However, due to the lack of business planning, there is a lack of assessment in the consumer population, cash cycle, estimated turnover and so on, and when the risk comes, we are caught by surprise.

The fifth way to die: lack of research on consumption demands

Case study: a boss once said that when he opened his first store, most of the consumers were white-collar workers, and Starbucks was less than 100 meters away. Always feel that their own milk tea is much cheaper than other families, and business will be booming. However, business was very quiet after opening the shop. It was not until another store opened next to me that I realized why I had failed like this: other people have bright storefronts, beautiful cups, frequent activities, and, more importantly, advertising slogans that emphasize how healthy they are. and often use the language "afternoon tea should not only drink coffee" to educate consumers. These are things that I have never thought of.

The sixth way to die: unclear positioning

Case: a beverage shop started out as Fresh Juice, which is very distinctive in the surrounding area, and the business is passable. Later, after listening to the advice of "talented people", milk tea should be added, so milk tea was added. Although there are customers to buy milk tea, but Fresh Juice's sales are gradually decreasing, but the price of milk tea is nearly double that of Fresh Juice, and the overall sales are about the same.

Later, due to the decrease in Fresh Juice's sales, the fruit was not fresh, Fresh Juice's quality declined, and a group of regular customers turned to other stores for consumption. After some new customers drank his family's Fresh Juice, they felt that the quality was not worthy of this price, and they did not try other varieties, so they could not directly define this store. After the continuous decline in performance, the store closed.

The seventh way to die: choose a location and take a chance.

Needless to say, the problem worth emphasizing is that many people prefer to believe that they are lucky and think that transfer fees and low rents can slowly support the business, rather than find more shops for comparison. This fluke mentality is the biggest cause of site selection problems.

The eighth way to die: partners disagree

The partners are very hardworking and each can be on their own, but each interferes too much in each other's work, resulting in a result that anyone can guess.

The ninth way to die: the issue of food safety, crushed to death by public opinion and rumors.

The tenth way to die: blindly imitate, walk into a dead end, sleepy.