Coffee review

Introduction to the correct use method and steps of drip coffee machine

Published: 2024-05-20 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/05/20, The drip coffee machine is a classic drip filter. Simple, reliable, efficient, most suitable for family, office and dormitory use. The drip electric coffee machine includes not only an ordinary coffee machine that can be used to make coffee powder, but also a two-in-one coffee machine that can grind coffee beans on its own. So how do I use the drip coffee maker? Drip coffee machine is a classic drip filter. Jane

The drip coffee machine is a classic drip filter. Simple, reliable, efficient, most suitable for family, office and dormitory use. The drip electric coffee machine includes not only an ordinary coffee machine that can be used to make coffee powder, but also a two-in-one coffee machine that can grind coffee beans on its own. So how do I use the drip coffee maker? Drip coffee machine is a classic drip filter. Simple, efficient, reliable, most suitable for family, office and dormitory use. The drip electric coffee machine includes an ordinary coffee machine that is only used to make coffee powder, and a two-in-one coffee machine that can grind coffee beans on its own. How do I use the drip coffee machine?

Before using the drip coffee machine, it is necessary to preheat the coffee machine before making coffee every day, add half a pot of water to the sink and turn on the power.

1. Pour out the stale water in the machine.

two。 Clean the pipes of the boiler and cooking system.

3. Wash coffee and make funnel.

4. Preheat the coffee pot.

Use the steps of the drip coffee machine to plug in the power supply.

2. Open the lid of the water tank and remove the filter holder

3. Fold the filter paper and put it into the filter

4. Put the coffee powder into the filter paper.

5. Inject fresh cold water. For water injection, please refer to the glass pot scale and the water tank scale.

Source: Baina net

6. Close the lid of the water tank and put the glass pot back in the coffee maker.

7. Turn on the power switch, the light is on, and start making coffee.

8. During or after brewing coffee, the anti-dripping function will be turned on automatically when the glass pot is taken out.

9. If the power switch is not turned off after the coffee is cooked, the warm plate will keep the coffee in the glass pot at the drinking temperature.

Points for attention in the use of drip coffee machine

1. The degree of grinding of coffee is determined by the coffee equipment you choose. Because different coffee making methods require different sizes of grinding powder.

2. The best drinking temperature of coffee is 85 ℃.

3. Different production methods require different cooking time.

4. Coffee can no longer be heated. When brewing, you should pay attention to only the amount you need to cook each time, and it is best to drink it when it is just cooked.

When brewing coffee with a drip coffee machine, it is best to use filtered water to brew coffee, especially chlorinated water. If tap water is used, water purifier and activated carbon filter can also avoid impurities and odors in the water.