Coffee review

The type of bean grinder how to choose the variety of bean grinder

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, The type of bean grinder: bean grinder is generally classified by coffee extraction, which is divided into two categories: single coffee grinder and Italian coffee grinder! According to the structure of the grinding plate can be divided into flat knife, cone knife, ghost teeth three categories! You can break up manpower and electric power according to the way you work. But no matter what category, my personal advice is to buy the best bean grinder that you can afford! Suitable for individual coffee

Type of bean grinder:

Bean grinders are generally classified by coffee extraction, which are divided into two categories: single coffee grinder and Italian coffee grinder! According to the structure of the grinding plate can be divided into flat knife, cone knife, ghost teeth three categories! You can break up manpower and electric power according to the way you work. But no matter what category, my personal advice is to buy the best bean grinder that you can afford!

The cone knife grinding plate and the all-round flat cutter head are suitable for single coffee.

Ghost tooth bean grinder

Generally speaking, the bean grinder of the ghost tooth grinder is only suitable for grinding single coffee, that is, coffee powder with thicker particles. This kind of bean grinder is represented by Japan's Fuji R220 and Taiwan's Yang family's Pegasus 207N, while the high-end ones are American grinder 875 and Fuji R440. Compared with flat knife or cone knife, this kind of grinding plate has an excellent sense of balance and thickness in terms of extraction flavor, but the details are not as accurate as flat knife. (to put it simply, it is like the difference between the gallbladder machine and the stone machine in the stereo.) it is often the first choice for ordinary coffee lovers to make a single bean grinder! The performance of the two bean grinders I recommend below are basically the same! But the price of Fuji is about three times that of Pegasus. However, Fuji is small in size and fine in workmanship, so it is more suitable for a corner of the home. Pegasus is a rough undertaking, living a silly rough, but this image does not affect its good grinding products.

Flat knife bean grinder

As for flat Dao, it has the largest quantity on the market. Whether it is a single bean grinder or an Italian bean grinder. Whether it is the top commercial German Mehdi EK43 or the mid-range MAZZER MAJOR, or the Eureka MMG designed for home use. Flat knife grinder generally has a clear positioning, either the Italian brand MAZZER as the representative of the pure Italian grinder, or the German brand Mahdi as a single product grinder with table (some models can also be compatible with Italian coffee). Because of the difference in knife pattern design and adjustment design, most Italian brand Italian coffee grinders can only grind the fine powder suitable for Italian coffee, but not for the coarse powder of single coffee! In the field of flat knife, the quality of the product is directly proportional to the grade of the bean grinder and the diameter of the grinding plate. So much so that there is a famous saying in the coffee industry: the diameter of the grinding disc of the flat knife is the truth!

Eureka Mignon MMG specially designed for home users

MAZZER MAJOR designed for mid-range business users and high-end enthusiasts

Mehdi Mahlkonig ek43 bean grinder designed for top commercial customers and ultimate enthusiasts (this model is compatible with Italian and single products) Mahdi Mahlkonig ek43 bean grinder designed for top commercial customers and ultimate enthusiasts (this model is compatible with Italian and single products)

Cone knife bean grinder

As for the conical knife, this is also ten thousand jin of oil. Except for the top MAZZER ROBUR, most other products are compatible with Italian and individual products. However, there is a serious differentiation between the two levels in the world of conical knives, either tens of thousands of top Italian bean grinders or low-end entry-level products! Household entry-level products are represented by BARATZA ENCORE, and most household-grade cones are compatible with individual products and Italian style. However, the quality of the product is of different opinions. Because the cone knife has high efficiency and fast grinding speed, a good cone knife will have the right amount of fine powder in the product can significantly improve the hierarchical sense of coffee, so the standard bean grinder in many top cafes will choose it. However, some people will feel that fine powder leads to miscellaneous smell in coffee extraction and restrains the cone knife. As for how to choose, you really have to try this for yourself to understand! After all, what suits your taste is the best! Taper cutters are also favored by most manual bean grinders because of their high grinding efficiency. HARIO 2TB grinder Lido is designed with taper knives.

Hario MSCS-2TB hand grinder hario MSCS-2TB hand grinder

Electric control and ordinary component bean grinder

In Italian mills, program-controlled quantitative bean grinders have become popular in recent years. This product is a design that appeared in recent years. Because the traditional component design is suitable for coffee shops with large flow, shops with insufficient flow grind the powder into powder buckets for a long time, which is extremely wasteful. Even if you don't grind it at ordinary times and the guests order it again, the cleaning of the powder bucket every day is still a headache. At the beginning, the efficiency of the Italian bean grinder is not high, and the grinding speed is slow, so the bean grinder of the component type will be ground well when it is free, and will be used directly when in use. However, with the development of technology, the grinding efficiency of the new high-grade bean grinder has been significantly improved, and it takes less than 3 seconds for the high-grade ROBUR to grind 20g powder. In order to facilitate cleaning, but also easier to control quality control, but also more economical, so the emergence of the current electronically controlled straight-out bean grinder.