Coffee review

Is the French press suitable for individual coffee or fancy coffee? How to use the French pressure kettle? what is a flower?

Published: 2024-06-02 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/02, What is a single cup of coffee? Single coffee refers to coffee made from a single coffee bean, which is called single coffee, such as Brazilian coffee, Colombian coffee, Blue Mountain coffee and so on. What is fancy coffee? Fancy coffee doesn't have an exact definition. We call it fancy coffee with other excipients, such as milk and chocolate.

What is a single cup of coffee? Single coffee refers to coffee made from a single coffee bean, which is called single coffee, such as Brazilian coffee, Colombian coffee, Blue Mountain coffee and so on.

What is fancy coffee? Fancy coffee does not have an accurate definition. We call it fancy coffee with other excipients, such as milk, chocolate, wine and so on. The traditional fancy coffee in the cafe refers to cappuccino, latte, mocha and so on.

What kind of coffee is the French press suitable for making? If fancy coffee refers to coffee with other ingredients, then milk can also be added to individual coffee, which will be called fancy coffee. In this way, the French kettle can actually make fancy coffee. Jamaica Coffee Industry Bureau recommends the use of pressure pots to make Blue Mountain Coffee, which is also suitable for making individual coffee. However, it is personally recommended that French presses make individual coffee, and it is unlikely and not recommended if we use the coffee made from French presses to make kapos, lattes or mochas. The reason is that the coffee produced by the French pressure pot has a low concentration, and if other excipients are added to the coffee produced by the French pressure pot, it will dilute the taste of the coffee and lose the original flavor of the coffee.