Coffee review

Drip coffee machine How to use drip coffee machine? How to use a drip coffee maker?

Published: 2024-05-20 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/05/20, How to use a drip coffee maker? It is best to use filtered water to brew coffee, especially water containing chlorine. If tap water is used, water purifiers and activated carbon filters can also avoid impurities and odors in the water. br Water can be roughly divided into soft water and hard water. After converting sodium, manganese, etc. dissolved in water, soft water is less and hard water is more. a

How to use the drip coffee machine?

It is best to use filtered water to brew coffee, especially not chlorinated water. If tap water is used, water purifier and activated carbon filter can also avoid impurities and odors in the water.

Water can be roughly divided into soft water and hard water. After converting the sodium and manganese dissolved in water, the amount of soft water is less and the amount of hard water is more. General mineral water is hard water containing sodium, manganese, calcium, magnesium, etc., because hard water will lead to the release of caffeine and single citric acid, which greatly reduces the taste of coffee. Ordinary pure water can be used as soft water.

You should pay attention to the following points when making coffee:

1. Boiling will make coffee bitter, so do not boil coffee, the appropriate brewing degree should be slightly less than 96 ℃.

2. Coffee can no longer be heated. When brewing, you should pay attention to only the amount you need to cook each time, and it is best to drink it when it is just cooked.

3. The best drinking temperature of coffee is 85 ℃.

4. Water accounts for 98% of a cup of coffee, so it is best to use filtered water to make coffee, especially not chlorinated water.