Coffee review

What problems should you pay attention to when drinking coffee? Points for attention introduction of etiquette

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, The use of coffee spoons is specially used to stir coffee and should be taken out and placed on cups and saucers when drinking. Do not use a coffee spoon to scoop a spoon of coffee to drink slowly, and do not use a coffee spoon to mash the cube sugar in the cup. Coffee is too hot freshly brewed coffee is too hot, you can gently stir it in the cup with a coffee spoon to cool it, or wait for it to cool naturally before drinking. Use your mouth.

Use a coffee spoon

The coffee spoon is specially used to stir the coffee and should be taken out and placed on the cup and saucer when drinking. Do not use a coffee spoon to scoop a spoon of coffee to drink slowly, and do not use a coffee spoon to mash the cube sugar in the cup.

The coffee is too hot.

Freshly brewed coffee is so hot that you can gently stir it in the cup with a coffee spoon to cool it, or wait for it to cool naturally before drinking it. It is a very indecent move to cool the coffee with your mouth.

The use of cups and plates

The cups and saucers for coffee are specially made. They should be placed on the front or right side of the drinker, and the cup ear should point to the right. When drinking coffee, you can hold the ear of the cup in your right hand and hold the coffee plate gently in your left hand, slowly moving to your mouth and sipping. It is not advisable to swallow or bow down to the coffee cup. Don't make a noise when drinking coffee, and don't pick up the coffee cup from the coffee plate when adding coffee.

Drink coffee and snack

Sometimes you can have some snacks when drinking coffee, but don't alternate between drinking and eating coffee cups in one hand and snacks in the other. Put down the refreshments when drinking coffee and the coffee cups when eating snacks.

These are in public places such as coffee shops, and there should be two scenarios to pay attention to:

Treat guests to coffee at home:

Treat guests to coffee at home, it should be noted that coffee lovers are often very particular about whether to add sugar and milk, it is best for the guests to help themselves, the host does not have to do it. In addition, the host should also prepare another cup of cold boiled water for the connoisseur who knows how to drink coffee, so that it can be tasted alternately with coffee to make the taste more pure.

Having coffee at a friend's house:

When drinking coffee at a friend's house, you should pay attention to: drink the coffee while it is hot, you are welcome, and drink all the coffee before you show politeness. If you just talk and let the coffee cool, it will go against the host's sincerity, but don't finish the coffee in one breath, but sip it slowly.