Coffee review

What is the gouache ratio of gold extraction from hand-brewed coffee Italian coffee? what is segmented extraction?

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, How to calculate the proportion of gouache in hand-brewed coffee is better than that of many coffee lovers who are making one person's coffee. If you increase the number of people, you will be at a loss. Some people say that one more person will multiply by two, and some will use 2 grams less powder for each additional person. That is to say, if one person brews a cup of 180 ml coffee with 14 grams of powder, once it is increased to two, only 26 grams of powder is needed.

How to calculate the ratio of gouache to gouache in hand-brewed coffee

Hand-made, espresso water-powder ratio: many coffee lovers are better at making one person's coffee, but they will be at a loss if they increase the number of people. Some people say that one more person will multiply by two, and some will use less than 2 grams of powder for each additional person. That is to say, if one person brews a cup of 180ml coffee with 14 grams of powder, once it is increased to two, only 26 grams of powder (save 2 grams of powder) can be brewed twice. A total of 360 milliliters of coffee, coffee beans can extract water-soluble ingredients, accounting for at most 30% of the bean weight, some producing coffee may be even lower. Taste buds can talk, and the proportion of 1RU 13.8 without 2 grams of coffee powder is obviously thinner than that of 1RU 12.8. After ExtractMoJo test, the concentration of 1Rd 12.8 is 1.42%, which is significantly higher than 1.39% of 1RU 13.8.

Therefore, under the same brewing ratio and the ratio of coffee to water powder, the concentration of coffee will not increase naturally with the increase of the number of cups, that is to say, at 1:12, the concentration of one cup by hand is the same as that of two cups or three cups by hand in the same period of the same period. The amount of coffee powder will not increase because of the increase in the number of cups, and there is room to reduce the amount of coffee powder. The concentration of coffee powder can be determined by itself, unless you brew it with finer coffee powder or higher water temperature, which is another matter.

In addition, if there are dozens of milliliters of black coffee left in the bottom pot, it is not impossible for some budget-conscious shops to avoid waste, they may add less powder the next time they make it. In short, trustworthy shops should be honest, and there is no need to offend old customers with sensitive taste buds in order to save a few grams of coffee. It is worth noting that the habit of hand brewing in Taiwan is different from that in Japan, where one cup or one person is about 120ml or 130ml. But in Taiwan, it is too stingy, the average store will soak 150ml ~ 180ml, coffee players are more atmospheric, one person will probably reach two cups of 240ml ~ 260ml.

In other words, the milliliters of hand brewing in Taiwan are random, and it doesn't matter if you drink coffee romantically, it's not a bad thing. The key point is that before hand flushing, it is best to test your bottom cup with a measuring cup. The amount of milliliters of your bottom cup is 120 ml or 130 ml. If three cups, the difference between the two is 30 ml, which is enough to affect the intensity and dilution value.

Spaghetti coffee water powder ratio