Coffee review

Which brand of coffee filter cup is better-hario v60 01 02 difference

Published: 2024-06-02 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/02, Which brand of coffee filter cup is better-hario v6001 02 distinguishes flannel, which is highly appraised by Japanese experts and called to meet the needs of professionals. Compared with filter paper, filter cloth is better in air permeability, heat preservation and moisture retention. Flannel is breathable, hot air can leak out from anywhere, there will never be volcanic bubbles, good thermal insulation, moderate dripping speed.

Which brand of coffee filter cup is better-hario v60 01 02 difference

Flannel, which is highly rated by Japanese experts, is called "meeting the needs of professionals". Compared with filter paper, filter cloth is better in air permeability, heat preservation and moisture retention. Flannel is breathable, hot air can leak out from anywhere, there will never be "volcanic bubbles", good heat preservation, moderate filtration speed, even beginners are very easy to use.

But the biggest disadvantage is that cleaning is very troublesome, each use should be carefully cleaned, and boiled with boiling water, flannelette must not leave any coffee grounds, in order to prevent coffee traces on flannelette from oxidation and odor, after cleaning, it is best to soak the flannelette in a container full of water and store it in the refrigerator.

And generally after brewing 30-40 times, you need to change the filter cloth. Japanese experts suggest changing the filter cloth every 20 times, and this kind of velvet cloth is sometimes very difficult to find. This is also a troublesome thing Kalita stainless steel filter cup. You will see that there are three small holes at the flat bottom for coffee liquid to flow out. You need to buy special filter paper for cake cups, Kalita filter paper, special deepening design side dredging trough. Provide a better hand experience Kalita Wave Dripper is a flat-bottomed hand filter cup from Japan, flat-bottomed design can make the extraction more fully.

The difference between Kalita Wave and the familiar Hario V60 is that the bottom is flat. Although the flavor change of the cake cup hand is not as strong as that of the conical filter cup, the overall flavor of the beans and the solid taste and sweetness of the entrance are always very praiseworthy. The uniqueness of the dripping pot is that the coffee pot and the filter cup are integrated, not separated. On the slender waist, the appearance wrapped in wood and leather rope is quite advanced and elegant. But the secret to extracting pure but flavored coffee lies elsewhere. The upper part of the filter cup of the American bubble pot has an air channel (air channel) in the shape of a funnel, which can supply air smoothly when extracting coffee, and the filter paper can be easily removed after use.

The filter paper of the American bubble pot is not funnel-shaped, but flat four corners or round filter paper. Maybe it's because the inventor used to be a doctor of chemistry. The filter paper used in the American bubble pot is about twice as heavy as the ordinary filter paper, but its advantage is that it can leak strong but non-bitter coffee.