Coffee review

Coffee grinder the difference between flat grinding and cone grinding-brand recommendation of hand coffee grinder

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Coffee machine the difference between flat grinding and cone grinding-the effect of powder structure on coffee flavor recommended by the brand of hand coffee grinder. This is just the extraction process. The core of the extraction process is the higher extraction rate at the high water temperature and the higher extraction rate at the fine point of grinding. So what is the effect of powder structure on extraction? It's nothing but a water block! The cone knife powder is under the microscope, the main body of the powder structure.

Coffee grinder the difference between flat grinding and cone grinding-brand recommendation of hand coffee grinder

Effect of powder structure on coffee flavor. This is just the extraction process. The core of the extraction process is the higher extraction rate at the high water temperature and the higher extraction rate at the fine point of grinding. So what is the effect of powder structure on extraction? It's nothing but a water block! Cone knife powder under the microscope, the main body of the powder structure will have many protruding outer fulcrum, just like a hedgehog. After a lot of powder particles gather, it is impossible to match them completely because of the external fulcrum. The gap will be larger and the flow of water will pass faster. The flow of water passes faster, so the extraction is relatively low. Ghost tooth powder, ghost tooth grinding out of the powder waist slender, relatively smooth, the coupling between powder and powder will be better. The gap is also small, the flow of water through will be relatively slow, and the extraction will be relatively more. From the taste, the same beans, the same amount of powder, the same water temperature, the same fineness of powder, ghost teeth will have better sweetness. Flat knife grinding powder, than conical knife protruding fulcrum is less, particles into blocks, waist than ghost teeth to be stout. Personally, I think the water resistance of flat knife powder should be the greatest! Ghost tooth powder waist is too thin, peace knife powder compared to the resistance must be less. Then the powder ground by the flat knife, from the structural point of view, the convex fulcrum of the powder particles is less, so the coupling is much better than the cone knife powder. The gap is tighter than the cone knife, the water resistance is larger, and the extraction is more.

Bean grinders are often directly ignored in coffee recruits! This is a really sad fact! Many novices buy coffee powder directly in the supermarket. But friends with a little common sense will know that the shelf life of coffee after roasting is very short. It is generally recommended that freshly baked beans should be drunk within 1 month! Because in a month's time, the elements in the beans that can bring you the ultimate flavor will be quickly lost. Coffee ground into powder oxidizes faster because of its larger contact area with air. Generally speaking, 15 minutes after grinding is enough to turn the original boutique coffee into waste. That's why some people or merchants always advertise that our coffee is freshly ground coffee! Although sometimes those merchants themselves do not understand why they want to grind!

Some friends here will say, as long as it is not grinding right now!? I bought a few dozen yuan of spiral bean grinder on Taobao and now I can OK it. In fact, as long as your beans are good enough and fresh enough, it must be much better than buying coffee powder directly to brew and extract! But you still waste coffee beans! A spiral bean chopper (we call it a bean chopper because this machine crushes beans by chopping rather than grinding) not only can't process coffee beans into uniform coffee powder, but also generates a lot of heat in the process of chopping. Coffee powder accelerates the oxidation process when heated. The flavor will also be taken away! In addition, under the first principle of successful extraction of boutique coffee (uniform extraction), because the coffee powder particles chopped by the chopping machine are coarse and fine, it will also lead to the failure of coffee extraction! The most direct is excessive extraction, or insufficient extraction! The coffee with insufficient extraction will be sour and astringent, and the coffee with excessive extraction will be too bitter!