Coffee review

Italian concentrated extraction time Flavor description Taste grinding scale Region variety

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Espresso extraction time Flavor description Taste grinding scale Region variety Usually coffee machine extraction water heater temperature is set at 93 degrees Celsius. This is because, in order to extract coffee ingredients, the temperature of the water needs to be in the range of 90 to 95 degrees Celsius. Different temperatures of the extraction water, the same raw beans will also have a variety of different tastes, as long as you taste 90 degrees Celsius or 95 degrees Celsius

Italian concentrated extraction time flavor description taste grinding scale production area variety

Generally speaking, the temperature of the extraction water heater of the coffee machine is set at 93 degrees Celsius. This is because, in order to extract coffee ingredients, the temperature range of water must be between 90 and 95 degrees Celsius. Different temperature of the extracted water, the same raw beans will also have a variety of different flavors. As long as you taste the coffee extracted by water at 90 degrees Celsius or above 95 degrees Celsius, you will immediately find that the characteristics of the raw beans have not been well reflected.

However, in the actual operation of the extraction of espresso, usually set the water temperature, by changing other elements to adjust the taste of coffee. Not only the temperature, but also the pressure. If you want to adjust the pressure, you must adjust the interior of the coffee machine, which is very troublesome. If these two elements are taken into account in each extraction, the process will become too complex. However, if there is no change in other elements, or when you are ready to replace new beans, then it is necessary to change the temperature. If you want to extract coffee with relatively strong flavor and less sour taste, you should set the temperature a little higher, on the contrary, if you want to extract light coffee with less bitterness, you should turn the temperature down.

In most coffee shops, it is possible to use 16-18 grams. This is not to say that the criteria given above are wrong, and it may be easier to understand them as errors in theory and practice. Coffee can change a lot for a variety of reasons. Coffee shops that use too many raw beans may use up to 20,22 grams of coffee powder to extract two cups of espresso. It is not that they made a mistake, but in order to mix the flavor they pursued, they finally decided that these quantities should be used; it may also be caused by the large capacity of the brewing powder bowl used, although the taste of coffee is determined by the combination of various elements. but if you want to choose one of the most important elements, many baristas may think it is crushing. Of course, the particle size that is most suitable for extraction of espresso is basically determined. The way of grinding raw beans is different, the amount of powder will also change, so the slight difference in crushing degree will also cause considerable changes in the taste of coffee.

1. Butter cookies, such a slightly mediocre match is just to make such an energetic drink have some content.

two。 Drink double is need to brew, a little time just can send text messages to friends I haven't seen for a long time, and greet them innocently.

Con Panna espresso Herbalife

Herbalife is a cup of ordinary espresso poured with thick whipped cream, a more retro kungfu coffee, much like the aristocracy of tsarist Russia or the Austrian royal family, probably because fresh cream was relatively rare at that time. Most cafes are filled with glasses, so that guests can enjoy the interface between whipped cream and coffee, from a clean break at the beginning to a slight penetration, and finally the dark brown and clear espresso becomes cloudy. The sweetness of cream also pervades the bitter coffee and becomes more approachable. For those who want to try kung fu coffee, it will be easier to start with this coffee.