Coffee review

Coffee picking and processing methods Flavor description of taste grinding scale production area

Published: 2024-10-18 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/10/18, There are two ways to prepare coffee beans for the roasting process. The method chosen has a significant impact on the final value and quality of coffee. The cheapest method of processing is called drying, which is used for lower-grade coffee beans, while higher-quality coffee beans are processed by wet treatment. Drying method is used for

Coffee picking and processing method Flavor description Taste grinding Scale Production area

There are two ways to prepare coffee beans for the roasting process. The method chosen has a significant impact on the final value and quality of the coffee. The cheapest process is called the "dry process" and is used for lower-quality coffee beans, while higher-quality coffee beans are processed by the "wet process." Drying is used on unwashed coffee beans. Wet processing is used on thoroughly washed or semi-washed coffee beans. Most Arabica beans are processed wet, except in Brazil and Ethiopia, where drying is more common. Some robasta beans are also wet processed.

Drying method is also called drying method or non-washing method: drying method is relatively simple. First of all, just picked fruit widely in the sun field for a week or two, until the fruit issued a crackling sound so far, natural drying. After that, the dried pulp, endocarp and silver skin are removed by a hulling machine.

Advantages: The fruit aroma of coffee beans can be better preserved and the price is low.

Disadvantages: Coffee beans may be contaminated with earthy smell on the ground, and the quality of coffee beans is relatively uneven.

Fresh fruit-sun dried-remove all pericarp, seed coat-coffee green beans

Note: This method is mostly used for lower grade coffee beans, and is still commonly used in Brazil, Ethiopia, Congo, Indonesia, Yemen, etc.

Water washing method is also called wet treatment method: After 12 hours after coffee picking, the outer layer of coffee fruit is removed by a pulp separator, the coffee beans are soaked in a large cement tank filled with water, the fruit is separated, and then the coffee beans are stuck in a fermentation tank for about 12-36 hours. After fermentation, the fermented coffee beans are washed with clean water, and the coffee beans are dried in a dryer or dried in the sun. At this time, the coffee beans are called "parchment coffee beans" and wait for export.