Coffee review

Why Coarse Ground Coffee is Suitable for Drip Filter-Kilimanjaro Ground Coffee

Published: 2024-06-02 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/02, Why Coarse Ground Coffee is Good for Drip-Kilimanjaro Ground Coffee Coarse: About the size of planed wood chips, similar to flakes, suitable for filter press use, or can be packed into tea bags, placed in a pot, and brewed with hot water. Medium size: about the size of coarse sugar, suitable for hand filter cups and hand filter cloth use. Medium size: approximately like

Why coarse ground coffee powder is suitable for drip filter-Kilimanjaro grinding coffee powder

Coarse granularity: about the size of planed sawdust, similar to flaky particles, suitable for filter pots, can also be placed in tea bags, placed in pots and brewed with hot water.

Medium granularity: about the size of coarse sugar, suitable for hand filter cup and hand filter cloth. Medium fineness: about the size of No. 2 sugar, suitable for electric coffee maker, siphon and mocha pot.

Fine granularity: about the size of quicksand on the beach, suitable for Italian coffee maker and water drop iced coffee. Finest granularity: about the size of too white powder, suitable for use in Turkish pots.

* very fine grinding: the size is between salt and flour, suitable for Espresso, Turkish coffee, because household grinders can not grind this texture, generally must buy ready-made grinding powder, so if you want to enjoy Espresso at home, it is best to drink a large amount of fresh coffee.

There are many other factors that affect the degree of grinding, including the roasting degree of coffee beans (although coffee beans used by Espresso should use a deeper roasting degree, but sometimes different roasting degrees may be used to roast formula beans for richer taste), blended recipes, and so on. All of the above are the most common and can be mastered by baristas. The previous sections are all about the adjustment of the basic factors in the production process in order to meet that taste standard on the premise of understanding the good taste of Espresso (see the taste of Espresso). There are many places in the world of Espresso that we don't fully understand, and we would like to explore this wonderful world of coffee with you.

Drip filter coffee is usually made with a Hong Kong-style drip filter or an American-style drip filter. Espresso is made with a fully automatic coffee machine or a professional semi-automatic coffee machine with a pressure of 15-20 Pa. Coffee is covered with coffee essence.

The simplest way to make coffee. Filter paper can be discarded immediately after use, which is more sanitary and easy to clean up. The amount of boiling water and the injection method can also be adjusted. One person can also brew, which is the best way to brew a small number of people.