Coffee review

What is the first thing to do when brewing coffee by drip filtration?

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, The first thing to do when brewing coffee is to warm the cup: in addition, remind all coffee lovers that hot coffee must be drunk while it is hot, which is the most delicious time for coffee. The action of warming the cup can prolong the heat of the coffee, as long as you first pour hot water into the coffee cup, make the cup warm by the temperature of the hot water, pour out the hot water and then inject the hot coffee that has just been brewed.

What is the first thing to do when brewing coffee by drip filtration?

Warm cup: also remind all coffee lovers that hot coffee must be drunk while it is hot, it is the most delicious time for coffee.

The action of warming the cup can prolong the heat of the coffee, as long as the hot water is injected into the coffee cup, the cup is warm by the temperature of the hot water, and then the hot coffee is poured out and then injected with the hot coffee that has just been brewed, which can help maintain the heat of the coffee and prolong the time to enjoy delicious coffee.

Usually a machine is used to filter, so you don't have to bother to get a cup of black coffee. Legal pressure is also convenient, if it is not too picky and just needs a cup of black coffee, there is no big difference between legal pressure and drip filtration for friends who generally just like coffee, but hand pressure, that is another very high level. Boutique coffee

Does trickling filter refer to American trickling filter? The American drip filter is based on the same principle as the hand press, while the French press is mainly based on bubbles.

The first two are extracted through the filter paper, the taste is cleaner, the pressure filter is generally a metal filter, the fine particles in the coffee grounds will pass through the filter, the filtering effect is not as clean as the filter paper, and the natural taste is relatively thick and turbid.

The drip filter hand punch is the same, and the normal pressure needs to be slightly thicker by 1-2 grades. As far as the taste is concerned, the legal pressure is much more delicate, generally speaking, the entrance is smooth and soft; the dripping filter is basically stable, but the parameters are harsh, and the taste is fresh; the taste of hand flushing varies greatly, and the granules are different in the case of the same bean, the same baking, the same water temperature and the same technique within the reasonable extraction range, and the taste will change greatly, or thick or crisp is extremely good, in short, the taste is clean.