Coffee review

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  • Is there a kind of coffee bean called cat poop?

    Is there a kind of coffee bean called cat poop?

    Follow Kaiping (Wechat official account vdailycom) found that Beautiful Cafe opened a small shop of its own Kopi Luwak, officially known as Kopi Luwak, from Indonesia. Kopi means coffee in Indonesian, while Luwak means Indonesian civets and coffee beans, a wild Indonesian civet called Rwaka. The coffee brewed by Kopi Luwak is as thick and fragrant as syrup.

    2017-07-01 One is called Cat Coffee Bean follower Cajun Wechat Public vdailyco
  • Is Robusta a subspecies?

    Is Robusta a subspecies?

    Following Cafe Review (Wechat official account vdailycom) found that Beautiful Cafe opened a small shop of its own. Is Robusta a subspecies? the Robusta variety is a low-altitude sloping product, oval in the shape of beans. The caffeine content is more than twice that of Arabica varieties, with poor alcohol and bitterness, and is mostly used to make instant coffee powder or blend into cheap mixed coffee. Because it has strong survivability and is easy to plant.

    2017-07-08 Robbins Booth subspecies followers Cajun Wechat Public vdailyco
  • Why is the coffee straw flat?

    Why is the coffee straw flat?

    Follow the comments (Wechat official account vdailycom) found that the beautiful cafe opened a small shop coffee straws why flat hot drinks can not use straws, it is easy to burn the mouth. The opening in the lid of the hot drink cup is not used to insert a straw. You don't need a straw to drink hot coffee. The stick for you is used to stir cream and sugar, KFC, McDonald's coffee.

    2017-07-11 Coffee straw why attention caf é Wechat public vdailyco
  • Does Jamaican coffee taste good?

    Does Jamaican coffee taste good?

    Following Cafe (Wechat official account vdailycom) found that Beautiful Cafe opened its own shop Blue Mountain Coffee, which is produced in the Blue Mountain Mountains of Jamaica and is famous for its unique excellent quality. The Blue Mountains are located in the eastern part of the island of Jamaica. Whenever the weather is clear, the sun shines on the Caribbean. The mountains on the island seem to be shrouded by the refraction of the sea.

    2017-07-04 Jamaica Coffee delicious follow Caf é Wechat Public vdailyco
  • The price of Rosa coffee beans

    The price of Rosa coffee beans

    Following Cafe Review (official account vdailycom of Wechat) found that Beautiful Cafe opened a small shop of its own: Geisha was discovered in the rose forest of Ethiopia in 1931 and sent to the Coffee Research Institute in Kenya; it was introduced to Uganda and Tanzania in 1936, Costa Rica in 1953 and Panama from Dongba Seven Farmers in the 1970s.

    2017-07-04 Rose summer coffee beans price attention caf é comments Wechat public vdailyco
  • How about Arabica coffee?

    How about Arabica coffee?

    Follow Kaipai (Wechat official account vdailycom) and find that Beautiful Cafe opens a small shop of its own. What on earth is this [Arabica]? Different varieties of coffee beans have different taste stimuli. I want to know the past life and present life of Arabica coffee beans. today, the editor will lead you to pick one of the best and most expensive Arabica coffee in the world.

    2017-07-04 Rabbi Coffee how's it going followers Caf é Wechat Public vdailyco
  • Coffee is a natural fat-reducing drug!

    Coffee is a natural fat-reducing drug!

    Following Cafe Review (Wechat official account vdailycom) found that many people know that coffee can be refreshing, but few people know that coffee is a natural fat-reducing drug! It is the nemesis of fat! Why? 1. Because coffee is rich in chlorogenic acid, this substance can slow down the absorption and transformation of sugar. Now chlorogenic acid has been added.

    2017-07-25 Coffee Natural Fat-reducing drugs attention Cafe Review Wechat Public vdailyco
  • Change: how to cook Brazilian coffee beans at home to taste moderately roasted Arabica coffee beans?

    Change: how to cook Brazilian coffee beans at home to taste moderately roasted Arabica coffee beans?

    Following Cafe Review (Wechat official account vdailycom) found that there are many kinds of coffee, such as Blue Mountain Coffee, Kopi Luwak, Mocha, charcoal Burn and so on. Drink a cup of mellow coffee, in addition to the choice of coffee beans, but also learn how to cook coffee beans, so that you can make good coffee yourself. Advantages of manual grinder: price

    2017-07-01 Brazil Coffee beans how follow Caf é Wechat Public vdailyco
  • Arabica coffee beans, okay?

    Arabica coffee beans, okay?

    Following Cafe (official account vdailycom of Wechat) found that Fairview Cafe opened a small shop of its own. Now there may be many consumers who think that coffee made with 100% Arabica beans is better than coffee made with Arabica beans and Robusta beans, not only they, but also me, used to think so. Things

    2017-07-04 Rabbi coffee beans okay followers coffee reviews Wechat public vdailyco
  • Vietnam G7 coffee is a three-in-one coffee.

    Vietnam G7 coffee is a three-in-one coffee.

    Following caf é comments (official Wechat account vdailycom) found that the opening of a small shop in Vietnam is very favorable for coffee cultivation. Southern Vietnam has a hot and humid tropical climate suitable for growing ROBUSTA coffee, while northern Vietnam is suitable for growing ARABICA coffee. Vietnam G7 coffee should be called Central Plains Coffee, for G7 meeting (G7 meeting is the United States, Britain, France, Germany, Japan

    2017-07-26 Vietnam Coffee three-in-one attention Caf é Wechat Public vdailyco
  • How to taste Hawaiian coffee?

    How to taste Hawaiian coffee?

    Following Cafe Review (Wechat official account vdailycom) found that Beautiful Cafe opened a small shop of its own. If Blue Mountain Coffee is the king of coffee, then Kona Coffee (Kona Coffee) from Hawaii is a well-deserved coffee. It is the only top coffee variety produced in 50 states in the United States, and it is also one of the three famous coffee beans in the world. Kona coffee beans are collected in summer.

    2017-07-25 How Hawaii Coffee Cafe Wechat Public vdailyco
  • Characteristics of Kenyan coffee beans how to wash Kenyan boutique coffee beans by hand in 72 hours

    Characteristics of Kenyan coffee beans how to wash Kenyan boutique coffee beans by hand in 72 hours

    Following Kaibei (official Wechat account vdailycom) found that Kenyan coffee, which is mostly grown at an altitude of 1500Murray 2100m above sea level, is harvested twice a year. To ensure that only ripe berries are picked, people must tour the forest about seven times. Kenyan coffee is grown by small farmers. After they harvest the coffee, they first put the fresh coffee

    2017-07-09 Kenya Coffee characteristics concerns Cajun comments Wechat Public vdailyco
  • Katim coffee bean, Katim coffee bean characteristics

    Katim coffee bean, Katim coffee bean characteristics

    Follow the caf é (official Wechat account vdailycom) found that the beautiful cafe opened its own small shop, small seed coffee, which belongs to the high generation variety of Katim, with medium dwarf plant, exuberant growth, stable by-characters, emerald green leaves of crown buds, dark green leaves of the whole plant, columnar shape, short internodes, many branches, exuberant growth, wide adaptability, strong drought resistance and certain cold resistance.

    2017-05-30 Tim Coffee beans Features followers Cajun comments Wechat Public vdailyco
  • Katim coffee beans taste

    Katim coffee beans taste

    Following caf é comments (Wechat official account vdailycom) found that the beautiful cafe opened a small shop of its own to mention Yunnan coffee. Perhaps the word we hear most is Yunnan small grain coffee, and most of them will say that Yunnan small grain coffee is fragrant but not bitter, strong but not strong, so many people classify Yunnan coffee varieties as small grain species, so it is natural to evaluate the taste of Yunnan coffee.

    2017-07-17 Tim Coffee beans Taste attention Cafe Review Wechat Public vdailyco
  • What kind of coffee is Starbucks fw

    What kind of coffee is Starbucks fw

    Following Cafe Review (Wechat official account vdailycom) found that Starbucks fw opened a small shop of its own. Flat White Furebai FW is Flat White, the famous Australian white. It was introduced into China and translated into Ruibai. Australian White is a blend of tiny milk bubbles in one espresso or double Ristretto. To some extent

    2017-07-11 Buck what is it Coffee attention Caf é Wechat Public vdailyco
  • How about Arabica coffee?

    How about Arabica coffee?

    Following Cafe (Wechat official account vdailycom) found that Arabica can become the aristocrat of coffee beans, the most precious variety and enjoy the highest honor, depending on the high standards of its growing environment. Arabica coffee is generally thought to be native to the Ethiopian plateau and is widely distributed in the tropics.

    2017-07-08 Rabbi Coffee how's it going followers Caf é Wechat Public vdailyco
  • Why is it called cat poop coffee?

    Why is it called cat poop coffee?

    Pay attention to the coffee comment (Weixin Official Accounts vdailycom ) and find a beautiful cafe to open its own shop Kopi Luwak, Kopi(Indonesian, coffee), Luwak is Indonesian refers to a kind of arboreal wild animal commonly known as civet cat. Civet coffee is the second most expensive coffee in the world, costing hundreds of dollars per pound. It is extracted from civet droppings

    2017-07-01 Why call cat coffee attention coffee review WeChat public vdailyco
  • Is Vietnam famous for coffee?

    Is Vietnam famous for coffee?

    Pay close attention to coffee reviews (Weixin Official Accounts vdailycom ) and find that it is a daily habit of Vietnamese people to open their own small shop to drink coffee. Vietnamese cafes are very common, not high-consumption places. Ordinary ones are only a few yuan RMB. Vietnamese coffee is not brewed in a coffee pot, but in a special drip coffee cup, followed by an ancient printed glass.

    2017-07-26 Vietnam Coffee Famous Follow Coffee Review WeChat Public vdailyco
  • Characteristics of coffee beans in Yunnan

    Characteristics of coffee beans in Yunnan

    Following caf é comments (official Wechat account vdailycom) found that small grains of coffee opened in Beautiful Cafe is suitable for growing in the mountains with an elevation of 800m to 1800m. If the elevation is too high, it will taste sour and too low will taste bitter. Small grains of coffee are mostly planted in dry and hot valleys about 1100 meters above sea level, so they are moderately sour, rich and mellow. There are suitable small seed species in many areas of Yunnan.

    2017-07-15 Yunnan coffee beans characteristics attention caf é comments Wechat public vdailyco
  • How to drink Starbucks coffee beans

    How to drink Starbucks coffee beans

    Follow Ka Pin (Wechat official account vdailycom) and found that Beautiful Cafe opens a small shop of its own. Prepare coffee powder to filter with coarse ground coffee powder (such as sea salt). Please prepare every 2 tablespoons of freshly ground coffee powder with 6 ounces of water. Tip: coffee, like agricultural products, is recommended to be bought in small quantities and used as soon as possible when fresh. two。 Add

    2017-07-17 Buck Coffee beans how follow Ka Review Wechat Public vdailyco